
Hair Color Developers
The paint line presented by extraordinarily intense colors or extremely delicate lightening beauty product creates protected health, structure and proper hydration of the hair without damaging it. In the ACADEMY LINE has been minimized the ammonia content thanks to the high sensitivity of the Activator Oxygen Cream, raising the maximum respect for the hair. Contains the highest quality colour pigments and panthenol nourishes the hair and makes it shiny and soft as silk. Panthenol is a natural element, which is the Foundation of the structure of vitamin B5, which repairs damage in the hair caused by atmospheric agents and UV rays. Due to its outstanding solubility in water gets inside the hair shaft giving hydration and nourishment with lasting effect. Reset to 100% the correct moisture content of hair. The effect is extremely visible.
shades: available in 88 nuances in NATURAL NATURAL natural warm series: intense, INTENSE ASH, BEIGE, gold, GOLD, copper, mahogany, RED mahogany, RED, red copper, DEEP REDS, ULTRA red, chocolate, tropical, LIGHTENERS, lightening ENHANCER, proofreaders, contrasts, PLATINUM.
packaging: 100 ml tube.
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