
Hair Color Developers
FIX SPRAY - 3 brightness 2 tight
Gives a strong hold that leaves hair natural and free to move. Quick drying leaving no residue can be removed with a few brush strokes. Protects against UV rays and eliminates frizz. Adds shine and silkiness.
packaging: bottle of 500 ml.
PERFECT NO GAS - 4 brightness 2 tight
Lacquer Quick drying, leaves no residue. The progressive fastening allows the determination of the product based on the result that you want.
packaging: bottle of 300 ml.
FIX GEL - 4 brightness 2 tight
Brand new cream gel formula for fixing extreme. Ideal for styling and sculpted look drawn. Leave the hair shiny with a great wet.
Container: 200 ml tube.
LISS CREAM - smoothing cream - 1 seal shine 4
Ideal for curly and frizzy. Allows to obtain a smooth long-lasting effect. The hair is soft, silky and very shiny. Effect of Moisture.
Container: 150 ml tube.
PASTE PLASTIC - matt effect - keeping brilliance 4 0
Pasta extreme attachment to define and sculpt strands and hairstyles. Hair is elastic with an extra matte effect.
Package : 75 ml jar.
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