€ 3.00 (+IVA)

Hair Gel Finish
uva-uvb direct-protection color
Protects and prolongs color brightness and intensity. Applied to natural hair' ensures brilliance and delicate reflections.
- POST-STAINING TREATMENT:to perfect and make even more evident shiny and intense reflections.
- MAINTENANCE TREATMENT BETWEEN COLORS: to preserve over time' between one coloring service and the other' the vital healthy appearance of the hair.
- TREATMENT CORRECTION OF UNWANTED REFLEXES: in order to modify an unexpected result obtained by a DIY performance to intervene on a change that turned out to be wrong or to correct reflexes that are inadequate.
- SUN AND MÈCHES TREATMENT: to create new plays of light and color by toning and restoring strength and extreme brightness to the exploited strands. Excellent for tonalizations and elimination of unsightly effects obtained with bleaching.
- NATURAL HAIR TREATMENT: for those who are skeptical about the world of professional coloring and want to approach with caution ' for those who want to experience temporary changes in their image' for those who do not want to alter the natural structure of the hair in the slightest but want to enhance its characteristics' for those who do not want to tie themselves to a service that requires continuity over time' DEKOTTO is the perfect product thanks to its characteristic of making completely lose track of its use after only 3/5 washes.
- WHITE HAIR TREATMENT: to meet the needs of those who do not like grizzled color and want to cover it without acting chemically and for those who instead want to enhance its brightness without altering its reflections. The product is able to act in a targeted way.
nuances: 8 brilliant nuances to always be fashionable - Black' Intense Brown' Violet red' Golden Hazelnut' Copper' Fire Red' Silver.
packaging: 200 ml tube.
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